Alphonse de lamartine interesting letter signed publication complete works - 1863. He is one of the great figures of romanticism in France. He was elected deputy in 1833 and played an important role at the time of the 1848 revolution, proclaiming the republic.
He retired from political life after his defeat in the presidential election of 1848, while louis-napoléon bonaparte won. He was later heavily indebted. Interesting signed letter, 1 p 1⁄2, bets, 18 April 1863. A letter detailing his financial difficulties, his company and the publication of his complete works to deal with them.
"you have offered your services in such terms that this offer has remained engraved in my heart. Out of about five million overdrafts, I managed to repay four in eight years of work. I still have 600,000 francs to pay for the first one. But I am engaged in a company with the help of which I pay the costs of printing paper, administration, posts these are my complete works in 40 volumes, 31 volumes are ready. Only 9 have to be printed in nine months, before the 1st. I miss 120,000 francs at the moment because of an extraordinary circumstance. Jose's asking you to take them to me for two years. I'll pay you back in money or books, if you choose. Without this help, all I have to do is deliver my land.They are fully committed to land credit. I perished me and my company, as I came to the point.
Will you leave for 120,000 francs to perish a man almost liberated whom you supported? It will be said in two years lamartine dared to believe that friendship in france would suffice to pay five million and to save a man and the france does not deceive her!
Good condition sent by registered mail. The item "alphonse de lamartine letter signed publication complete works 1863" has been on sale since Saturday 14 August 2021. It is in the category "collections\letters, old papers\autographs\historical persons".
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