Autograph Signed Letter

Steinbeck (john) Autograph Letter Signed By John Steinbeck 25 July 1

Steinbeck (john) Autograph Letter Signed By John Steinbeck 25 July 1

Steinbeck (john) Autograph Letter Signed By John Steinbeck 25 July 1    Steinbeck (john) Autograph Letter Signed By John Steinbeck 25 July 1
Librairie koegui 21, rue vie butcherie 64100 bayonne tel. +33 5 59 59 78 74. Steinbeck (john) - autograph letter signed by john steinbeck - 25 July (1947) - original edition. 25 July (1947) - original edition. Autographed letter signed "john" to oliver burgess meredith, dated 25 July (1947). A page in-4 in blue ink on letterhead of the hotel plaza à stockholm, written in English. Number of volumes: 1 letter. Oliver burgess: he received the letters from burgess before leaving betting. The French are an immoral people. But "honest jake pfaff" made a beautiful dress for gwyn. Stockholm is a beautiful city. They say you're going to play winterset... We're leaving on Monday for Uncle joe's (joseph Stalin) box.

I have no idea what we're gonna find out there, but I hope it's okay. Capa's in good shape.

He is currently in the countryside to photograph farmers, and probably farmers' daughters. I hope your first one will be a triumph. I wish it was my own play.

I spent two days boating in the archipelago, I feel very good. The boats are beautiful things. If you need to write to me, you can write to joe newman, to the office of the gallery in Moscow... Send additional photos on request.

Member of the national union of the old and modern bookstore, affiliated with the international league of the ancient book. Conditions of sale in accordance with the practice of the profession.

Purchase - sale - expertise. This item is in the category "books, bd, magazines\old books, collection". The seller is "alphab64" and is located in this country: fr.

This item can be shipped to the following countries: america, europe, asia, australia.

    Author: steinbeck (john) Date of publication: - July 25, 1947
  1. special features: original edition

Steinbeck (john) Autograph Letter Signed By John Steinbeck 25 July 1    Steinbeck (john) Autograph Letter Signed By John Steinbeck 25 July 1