Autograph Signed Letter

Lamartine Alphonse. Autograph Letter Signed 1856

Lamartine Alphonse. Autograph Letter Signed 1856
Lamartine Alphonse. Autograph Letter Signed 1856
Lamartine Alphonse. Autograph Letter Signed 1856

Lamartine Alphonse. Autograph Letter Signed 1856    Lamartine Alphonse. Autograph Letter Signed 1856
Autograph letter signed, bet on 1. December 1856, 43 rue de la ville levêque. 2 pp and a half in-8.

My subscribers are not an audience to me, they are a family of friends. I do not know that personal benevolence has had more of a share than the literary necessity of your subscription. I prefer cordiality to glory. It explains the importance of subscription from the first issue to avoid interruption. "Please be good enough to send your answer as soon as possible to avoid the very costly costs of printing and unnecessary loss.

Very unusual mail from the great romantic poet of the 19th century, who here takes an almost obsequious tone to obtain the financial favors of a subscriber of a work that will appear monthly in deliveries: " familiar course of literature". Despite the literary successes and the very important copyrights perceived, Lamartine bought several castles as well as vast wine estates that cost him a lot of money and ended up bedding. The situation became almost unbearable since the 1850s.

Some of his correspondence will then evoke his pecuniary problems and he will exhaust his search for more and more new subscribers at the same time that he will produce only one work often food. All the works I propose are in excellent condition and the defects, if any, are scrupulously described. The packages, perfectly secure, are shipped within 48 hours.

I answer your questions and send you additional photos if you wish. Thank you for your interest and confidence. Autograph letter signed 1856" has been on sale since Tuesday 6 April 2021. It is in the category "books, bd, magazines\old books, collection".

The seller is "scriban" and is located in/in martigues. This item can be shipped to the following country: france.

Lamartine Alphonse. Autograph Letter Signed 1856    Lamartine Alphonse. Autograph Letter Signed 1856