Autograph Signed Letter

Jehan Rictus Autograph Letter Signed In Corsican Poet Vecchini Popular Heart

Jehan Rictus Autograph Letter Signed In Corsican Poet Vecchini Popular Heart
Jehan Rictus Autograph Letter Signed In Corsican Poet Vecchini Popular Heart
Jehan Rictus Autograph Letter Signed In Corsican Poet Vecchini Popular Heart

Jehan Rictus Autograph Letter Signed In Corsican Poet Vecchini Popular Heart    Jehan Rictus Autograph Letter Signed In Corsican Poet Vecchini Popular Heart
Autograph letter signed addressed to the Corsican poet Dominique Vecchini. Small tear in the fold. With humor, he caters to his \He received his letter on Bastia climate and clothing advice. Ladmet \He is delighted to know that \It will be totally restored.

\He will not come before 25 indeed overflowing. Doccupations dobligations and it must respond to invitations to dinner. It receives books, brochures, novels, etc.

Reception, well overdue visits, dental visits so. \The cafardeux sky and perhaps soon the snow. He must learn to transatlantic co. In order to know the days of the departure of the boats.

\Mattarder in nice, do well. \He sent heart davin popular even in Ajaccio and write to him as soon as he is. The item \The seller is \This article can be shipped worldwide.

  1. Manufacturing country: egypt <\/ li> <\/ Ul>

    Jehan Rictus Autograph Letter Signed In Corsican Poet Vecchini Popular Heart    Jehan Rictus Autograph Letter Signed In Corsican Poet Vecchini Popular Heart