Autograph Signed Letter

With Christ, Antonin ARTAUD announces the Apocalypse. Signed autograph letter.

With Christ, Antonin ARTAUD announces the Apocalypse. Signed autograph letter.
With Christ, Antonin ARTAUD announces the Apocalypse. Signed autograph letter.
With Christ, Antonin ARTAUD announces the Apocalypse. Signed autograph letter.
With Christ, Antonin ARTAUD announces the Apocalypse. Signed autograph letter.

With Christ, Antonin ARTAUD announces the Apocalypse. Signed autograph letter.  With Christ, Antonin ARTAUD announces the Apocalypse. Signed autograph letter.

The Autographes des Siècles bookstore has been specializing for many years in the sale of autographed letters and manuscripts. Signed autograph letter (in the text) to René Thomas and Annie Besnard. Four pages in-4° on lined paper. Incomplete letter from the end.

"I entered into the mysteries of the World with the cane of Jesus Christ." A fascinating letter from Antonin Artaud struck with mystical delusions. Informed by Christ himself who "speaks to him every day," the poet announces the imminent apocalypse to his friends. "My dear Annie, My dear Thomas, If someone comes to Rue Daguerre 21, and asks you if I am married, reply that No, of course, but if you are asked if marriage has ever been discussed for me, also reply that NO, that I have never even thought about it. My existence, you understand, my EXISTENCE depends on your answer. I cannot yet tell you what it is about, but it is a matter of formidable gravity. The truth is that there are tremendous mysteries in the World, that the World is not what one believes, nor especially as seen by those who say they believe only what they see. The truth, my dear Annie, my dear Thomas, is that I have entered into the mysteries of the World with the cane of Jesus Christ that my friend René Thomas gave me.

For the cane I possess is that of Jesus Christ himself, and you two who know very well that I am not mad, will believe me if I tell you that Jesus Christ speaks to me now every day, reveals to me everything that is going to happen, and orders me to do what I am going to do. I have therefore come here to Ireland to obey the very orders of God, the Son, incarnated in Jesus Christ.

It is inspired by Jesus Christ that Marie-Anne left this cane at 21 Rue Daguerre, to Thomas, so that Thomas would give it to me and that it would perform its work. It is because this cane has stayed on Rue Daguerre that all the Beings who have played a predominant role in my life have passed through Rue Daguerre. In about 20 days, my dear friends, and I tell you this without boasting, for it is driven solely by God that I act and without Him I would not act, in about 20 days you will hear a tremendous thunder over the World, for the cane of Jesus Christ will serve at the end of the world and it must fight the antichrist.

The antichrist himself will not come for a few years, but in 20 days the face of things will be changed and there will no longer be talk of war in China, nor of battles in the Mediterranean. England will have much more to do, I swear to you, for it will disappear from the map of the globe and part of England will disappear under the sea. If I were only a man I would say that I am going to risk death myself, but there is someone else in me who warns me of what is to happen and tells me that I have nothing to fear. Just know, and that is all I can tell you for now, that in 20 days I will speak in the Name of God Himself, amidst a thunder that comes from God.

I will not have to take glory from it, alas, for soon I will no longer be called Antonin Artaud, I will have become another, and the Duty that falls to me is formidable. It is formidable, Annie, to suddenly discover who one is and that in reality one was another, and that this other was Ramses II in Egypt, really Annie, really, and that he was other men in time, all burdened with terrible responsibilities supported by powers, perhaps also terrible, but overwhelming. I can also tell you that I now know there are demons because I have seen and heard them, I also know that there is a plot." Artaud met René Thomas in early 1937 on the terrace of the Dôme in Montparnasse, carrying a cane in his hand.

Artaud indicated to him that this cane was his, that it was mentioned in the prophecy of Saint Patrick and that it still contained the blood of Christ. On September 23, 1937, Antonin Artaud was arrested in Dublin for vagrancy and public disorder. On the 29th, he was forcibly put on an American liner bound for France. Upon his arrival on national soil, Artaud was handed over to the French authorities who took him to the General Hospital, restrained in a straitjacket. Judged violent, dangerous to himself and others, and suffering from hallucinations and persecution ideas as indicated in the certificate of October 13, 1937, issued by Dr. Before the transfer to Quatre-Mares: "[He] says that he is being presented with poisoned dishes, that gas is being sent into his cell, that cats are being put on his face, sees black men near him, believes he is being hunted by the Police, threatens those around him. Dangerous to himself and to others, and it is certified that there is an urgency to admit the aforementioned to the departmental asylum.

", he was placed in the psychiatric department. Consult our manuscripts The Galerie Autographes des Siècles specializes in the sale and expertise of autographed letters and manuscripts of great personalities from past centuries. Purchase / Payment methods We accept the following payment methods: Bank transfers and checks. The prices indicated are in euros and are net. We can also arrange shipments via private carrier at your request.

Sales conditions In accordance with the practices of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, we accept a return guarantee within 14 days. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer.

About All the items offered are originals whose authenticity we guarantee. Our invoices serve as proof of authenticity of the sold items. However, upon your request, we can issue a certificate of authenticity, additionally.
With Christ, Antonin ARTAUD announces the Apocalypse. Signed autograph letter.  With Christ, Antonin ARTAUD announces the Apocalypse. Signed autograph letter.