Autograph Signed Letter

The Dreyfus Affair: Émile Zola / Autographed Signed Letter / Exile / Trial / Lawyer

The Dreyfus Affair: Émile Zola / Autographed Signed Letter / Exile / Trial / Lawyer

The Dreyfus Affair: Émile Zola / Autographed Signed Letter / Exile / Trial / Lawyer    The Dreyfus Affair: Émile Zola / Autographed Signed Letter / Exile / Trial / Lawyer
Autographed letter signed "Z" [to his publisher Eugène Fasquelle] [Queen's Hotel, Upper Norwood], February 1, 1899, 2 pp. From his place of exile, Zola tries to get news about his situation from his lawyer. "My dear friend, We are counting on you next week, on the day of your choice. Let us know so that you are not too bothered here, at the hotel. We do not need anything.

The only thing that would please me would be for you to try to have a confidential conversation with Labori. Zola's lawyer for his trial following the publication of "I Accuse!" , asking him, for me, what he may know for sure about the situation. Could Mornard not inform him a little, on my behalf.

You must understand how thirsty I am for precise information, in the midst of the terrible mess we are going through. Our warm regards to your wife, we embrace you and yours. Z I still do not know if the Mirbeau have arrived today, we are expecting them here tomorrow. Since October 1898, Zola has been staying at the Queen's Hotel, in the suburbs of London, continuing his exile since his conviction in Versailles on July 18 of the same year.

Away from the Parisian turmoil, the writer expresses a pressing need to know more about his situation and the progress of the Dreyfus affair, which continues to stir passions. The judges of the Court of Cassation are currently examining the Dreyfus dossier, handled by Henry Mornard, the defense lawyer. The events of the following days and weeks, such as the sudden death of Félix Faure, will give hope to the Dreyfusards for a favorable outcome. After succeeding Charpentier, Fasquelle became Zola's publisher in 1896.

He also served as his "banker" and gave him sums from his royalties whenever the writer needed them.

The Dreyfus Affair: Émile Zola / Autographed Signed Letter / Exile / Trial / Lawyer    The Dreyfus Affair: Émile Zola / Autographed Signed Letter / Exile / Trial / Lawyer