Allow me to be very indiscreet once again and ask you to see, before your departure for America, my dear little Bernadette, even if only for a few minutes. The advice she is currently receiving is not meant to educate or encourage her, she wanted you to recommend a teacher capable of guiding her. For a beginner, she has a very busy January, on the 8th she will perform Schumann's concert at René Baton's, the same concerto.
Messanger asked her to perform it on the 28th in Nantes under his direction and on the 17th, she must play at Édouard 7, Beethoven's variations and six preludes by Debussy. Every morning she goes to Pleyel from 4:30 to 6:00 to rehearse the Schumann concerto on two pianos with one of your students, Miss Cl. Pie; finally, she, the dear child, is making the necessary effort to climb the arid mountain of success! I am writing these few words to express her desire to see you before your departure.
Thank you in advance with my very affectionate friendship.