Autograph Signed Letter

Picasso Autograph Letter Signed Rare 1946

Picasso Autograph Letter Signed Rare 1946
Picasso Autograph Letter Signed Rare 1946

Picasso Autograph Letter Signed Rare 1946    Picasso Autograph Letter Signed Rare 1946

Letter signed autograph, Paris, 17 August 1946 addressed to the cashier limpôt of national solidarity. 1 page in-8, receipt stamp.

Rare Picasso letter putting himself in good standing with the administration tax. For review dimposition dated July 27, 1946 minformez you I am indebted to you in the month of receipt of this notice dune sum of frs. You have sent a deposit of francs. I am indebted to you the sum of FRCS. I send you attached it with a check to your order begging you to please men acknowledge.

Please accept, Gentlemen, the assurance of my distinguished feelings. Pablo Picasso 23 Street boétie Paris 8th arrondissement. \Picasso set up his studio at 23 rue de la boétie in 1918, in the buildings next to that of his friend and collaborator Merchant dart Paul Rosenberg. It was to remain a score of years. The photographer Brassaï, sent in 1932 in the workshop of Picasso in order to make a photo report left us a few prints (including the one reproduced) as well as a written testimony of the atmosphere that prevailed \Lorsquen winter 1932, I crossed for the first time the threshold of his studio, 23 boétie Street, where he lived for fourteen years, Pablo Picasso had just exceed the cap fifties.

Artist arrived, he had all the attributes; a duplex grand bourgeois, a safe, a Hispano-Suiza driven by a chauffeur in livery. If I put in quotes workshop, this is quen way datelier it sagissait, Street boétie, dun apartment four or five rooms transformed into mess. The rooms, each with its surmounted dune ice fireplace, were entirely empty of furniture but full of crowded tables, reams of paper, piles of books, packages, bundles containing mussel sculptures posed jumble able the ground and covered with a thick layer of dust. The doors have been removed, the apartment was transformed into a vast workshop fragmented into multiple parts for the multiple activities of the artist.

We were walking on a floor covered with carpet dun butts. Picasso painted in the largest room, the best informed, the Eiffel tower in front and whose slender figure mapparut through a forest of chimneys. The signature here is particularly graphic. The item \The seller is \This item can be shipped to the following countries: France.

Picasso Autograph Letter Signed Rare 1946    Picasso Autograph Letter Signed Rare 1946