Autographed letter signed "Petain" to Jean-Louis Forain, August 10, 1918, 1 page, 8vo, on his letterhead. The artistic inspirations of Marshal Pétain a few days after the victory of the French Army at the Second Battle of the Marne, at the end of World War I. An idea for a drawing comes to me that I would like to submit to you. The "Nach Paris" of the Germans would be represented by a few corpses floating down the Marne with the current.
Perhaps the idea will appeal to you?" This drawing in pencil is titled "LA MARNE in July 1918 / NACH PARIS." This request from the Marshal to the artist comes just a few days after the second victory at the Marne (May 27 - August 6, 1918), the last major battle of World War I. Following the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the Germans focused on the Western Front. A German offensive was launched on May 27. The course of this battle was different from the others: artillery supported the infantry with its fire, and aviation intervened with its bombings. French tanks and British tanks accompanied the infantry on the battlefield. After three months and several defensive and offensive battles, the French army successfully pushed back the German army.The sale invoice for this document is dated September 12, 1987.