Autograph Signed Letter

Loïe FULLER organizes her upcoming shows in France. Signed autograph letter.

Loïe FULLER organizes her upcoming shows in France. Signed autograph letter.
Loïe FULLER organizes her upcoming shows in France. Signed autograph letter.
Loïe FULLER organizes her upcoming shows in France. Signed autograph letter.

Loïe FULLER organizes her upcoming shows in France. Signed autograph letter.    Loïe FULLER organizes her upcoming shows in France. Signed autograph letter.

The Autograph Gallery of the Centuries has been specialized for many years in the sale of autograph letters and manuscripts. "I have 3 new shows to write, one for the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées and the others for the opera. A very beautiful letter, in difficult French, from the American dancer.

"Dear Sir, thank you so much for your kindness and for all the advice you have given me. And I deeply regret not having had the chance to thank you. I have 3 new shows to write, one for the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées and the others for the opera.

One has, as the central idea, a large Fantastic Dragon 75 feet long that comes from China. It must embody all the forces of good and evil. Another is the white forest on which I can project all the light effects representing the elements, the bottom of the sea, the interior of the earth, etc. The third, I have not yet imagined, but besides that, I have been a friend of Mrs. Curie for about thirty years and I am very, very interested in the career of her daughter, Miss Eve, and I was (like her and her daughter) very touched by your kindness towards her and her talent; she was very grateful for your appreciation.

She is very shy and would not want to take advantage of her mother's power. But she would love to see you personally - without embarrassing you like some do, to thank you and to talk with you. And for me (who has the experience to understand), I know that surely you will also understand Miss Curie's fear at the beginning of her career of being indiscreet. But her career is close to the court of a soul to whom the world owes so much good (who has given everything) that this opportunity to bring her happiness is a joy for all, and you are the first to acknowledge it, and the talent of her daughter has the duty to be a credit to her mother.

And for that, she continues her efforts - work - work - work. Your encouragement is very dear to her = so you must talk with her. Excuse me, I have never studied French and I have never learned to write. So please forgive my poor French; I think only that you could never read it; it would be even more terrible. Time lost for you and for me, and forgive me for having disturbed you in your work.

All my deepest and sincerest sympathy. Yours very truly with renewed thanks.

The Autograph Gallery of the Centuries specializes in the sale and expertise of autograph letters and manuscripts from great personalities of past centuries. We accept the following payment methods: Bank transfers and checks.

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Loïe FULLER organizes her upcoming shows in France. Signed autograph letter.    Loïe FULLER organizes her upcoming shows in France. Signed autograph letter.