Autograph Signed Letter

JEAN MARAIS Autographed letter signed April 1953 2 pages in-8

JEAN MARAIS Autographed letter signed April 1953 2 pages in-8
JEAN MARAIS Autographed letter signed April 1953 2 pages in-8

JEAN MARAIS Autographed letter signed April 1953 2 pages in-8    JEAN MARAIS Autographed letter signed April 1953 2 pages in-8
Autographed letter signed in April 1953, 2 pages in-8. I am indeed very late in responding to you, and you must be worried about your beautiful Racine. Please excuse me, but I have been filming non-stop and did not have a minute for my correspondence. Thank you for your kind letter and the praise it contains; I have had enough critics not to appreciate those who understood my effort. I perform with sincerity, as I feel, and I do not concern myself with criticisms that often seek revenge. That is the nature of the acting profession! And then, there are often true things among the nastiness, and we must use them to improve ourselves. I have received very lovely letters that have moved me and compensated for, and even surpassed, the very ugly ones. I am enclosing 2 photos since you like the character of Nero, and I hope they will please you. With all my best sentiments. I do not have any photos of Xiphares; it is the Lipitzki house, 40 rue du Colisée (Paris) that provides them when requested. Careful packaging, sent registered with acknowledgment of receipt.
JEAN MARAIS Autographed letter signed April 1953 2 pages in-8    JEAN MARAIS Autographed letter signed April 1953 2 pages in-8