Autograph Signed Letter

Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona

Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona
Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona

Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona    Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona

He held various political and administrative positions, particularly during the French domination of Piedmont. In 1821, he was appointed Minister of the Interior of the Kingdom of Sardinia by Carlo Alberto. Autographed letter signed to Amédée Girod de l'Ain, Minister of Public Instruction. Small tears at the folds, a few stains. A beautiful letter requesting an appointment as an extraordinary State Councillor.

The day you gave me such a warm welcome, sir, and when I had the honor to discuss with you the circumstances that had led me to settle in France, and to request letters of declaration of naturalization, I also expressed the desire I would have had to be in some way attached to the Council of State by an appointment as an extraordinary State Councillor. The initial idea was suggested to me by a friend and colleague, Mr. Le Baron de Gérando, who spoke of it spontaneously and passionately to Mr. the Keeper of the Seals.

I admit that this appointment would please me and would satisfy not my ambition (which is quite null at present), but my attachment to France, and a strong desire I have to prove to my former compatriots in Piedmont that France does not forget its former servants and supporters, and that she considers worthy of her interest those who, far from the restoration of the House of Savoy in Piedmont, were neglected and trampled to a degree that is difficult to imagine. My attachment to France and my admiration for its laws have kept me from serving my government, which had the barbaric folly (and in several of its effects, atrocious) of overturning all that was related to the French system at the moment Piedmont was separated.

Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona    Ferdinando Dal Pozzo Autographed Letter Signed Piedmont Verona