Edith PIAF, Edith Giovanna Gassion (1915 - 1963), French singer. Autographed letter signed "your Pupuce" to Yves MONTAND. A marvelous passionate letter, full of intertwined poetry and philosophy, from the eternal lover who sang love like no one else, revealing a fragile woman who lived only for absolute love, despite her great lucidity in facing the trial that awaited her: "My kid, yes I read your little note, but Mao Laure Dubalot hadn't told me she had put it in the things she had me carry. You are a little angel escaped from heaven.
God, I was so sad when you left the other evening, I cried for an hour without being able to console myself, a kind of horrible feeling, and I concluded that I really love you. Father Bourgeat will stay until five o'clock this evening and I will be all alone again, not for very long because tomorrow evening I will be in your arms my sweet darling. Are you happy with the film? Do you find the joy you seek in cinema? I hope so, it’s so good when you are happy with yourself.
I can’t wait for August, the day I will become Mrs. Livi, it will be a strange thing in my heart, what a heavy responsibility, first to make you happy, fidelity will not be difficult for me since I love you but making you happy is really a big task, anyway what comforts me is that it’s you who asks for it so you know what you’re getting into and I prefer that. I wish so much that we had a nice apartment, I would like to live a little like civilized people and then it seems to me that if I had an apartment I could bring you certain things that I cannot do at the moment and that you need my little one whom I love, anyway in any case we will see won’t we?
Let’s always throw ourselves into the water and once in the water we will try to swim as best as we can, deep down we do not swim so badly since we have known each other we sometimes catch a cold that heals quickly, it’s because we know how to keep (when necessary) our love warm so it doesn’t get any colder, and besides it’s catching a cold less and less, I believe we have passed the difficult cap, at the beginning love is wonderful because we do not know each other and we create the loved one with our imagination, then comes the moment when we know each other better and that’s when it gets hard, if we get through that nasty moment and the being remains a bit like what we imagined before knowing them better then love is saved and ours is saved too, we understand each other, we know exactly everything about each other and the more I go the more I have consideration for you and that proves that our love was strong, to admire the man you love is true love, our disputes always arise from questions that do not relate to our love and that is the main thing. I have never written such serious letters, I analyze from morning to night the great love I have for you that you refuse to believe, and yet, if you only knew, but deep down perhaps it’s better that you don’t believe it, if you were sure, wouldn’t you love me less? Well my darling I will give you your freedom back and tell you that not a second goes by without me thinking of you, of our future, of your future especially, which is so dear to my heart. Give me your arms so strong for my weak ones, and it’s so good to take refuge near your heart that beats so well and that knows so well how to make mine beat. Your little wife who loves you.
A beautiful testament to this passionate love between the glorious Edith Piaf and the young and handsome beginner Yves Montand, who opened for Piaf at the Moulin Rouge. This affair lasted two years, from 1944 to 1946. Edith Piaf ended it abruptly but the unfortunate Yves Montand had a hard time recovering: "She sang wonderfully well when she was in love and wonderfully well when she was breaking up.