Gives enough meryte Quy me suplier you very humbly make you auloin intercessor to our Holy Father for her. Promotion of the dignyte CARDYNAL to premiyeres Quy opportunities arise. And bothering you'll use AVEQ much good will you do me the honor demonstrate den. From what I prens boldness to recommend and I'll very large aray obbligation to go. The very humble service I owe you and fuck you very humbly hands.
Give you very long and very happy vye. Your humble obedient nephew servyteur. William davançon, Archbishop dembrun (sometimes found that one writes or ambrun anbrun in some items), lieutenant general of Dauphiné by the Catholic League. In general Blois states, guillaume davançon, followed by 12 deputies of each order, asked the king henry iii confirm the resolution that Henri of Navarre (later Henri IV) was declared excluded from any right to the crown. The king saw Henri way of his brother and masters of the deliberation of states.They were killed on his orders in the same general statements. The item \The seller is \This article can be shipped worldwide.