Autograph Signed Letter

Camille Pissarro / Signed Autograph Letter / Belgium / Bruges / Painting

Camille Pissarro / Signed Autograph Letter / Belgium / Bruges / Painting
Camille Pissarro / Signed Autograph Letter / Belgium / Bruges / Painting

Camille Pissarro / Signed Autograph Letter / Belgium / Bruges / Painting   Camille Pissarro / Signed Autograph Letter / Belgium / Bruges / Painting

Pissarro" to Théo Van Rysselberghe [Bruges, Hôtel du] Golden Monkey, July 3rd, 1894, 2 p. Beautiful letter from Pissarro to his friend Van Rysselberghe, in the early days of his exile in Belgium - The master takes the opportunity to explore the surroundings before starting work. A few words to ask for news about your health and that of Mrs. I hope the effect of the terrible jellyfish will not have any consequences; my wife left this morning with [our son] Félix.

I almost didn't want to let him accompany my wife as he is so tired from the effects of the bath, I hope it will pass quickly, it's his stomach that is affected. Did you have the same effect? I have just explored the surroundings to get a feel for it and I have found charming things, as soon as Félix is here we will seriously get to work. I still have the sound of the waves in my ear and the color of the sea in my mind, you must have had beautiful effects last night. We arrived just as a waterspout hit Bruges, you must have enjoyed it from your lookout.

My wife asked me to write to you how much she appreciated all the attention you have given us and asked me to say hello to you, me and Félix of course join in. Handshake my dear friend, and news without delay, right? His sympathies for anarchist and libertarian ideas forced Pissarro to seek refuge in Belgium, following the assassination of President Sadi Carnot a week earlier, on June 25th.

He was then wanted by the police like other non-violent anarchists. Théo Van Rysselberghe, one of the leading figures of divisionism, also shared the same ideas. Pissarro found in him a support during his Belgian exile, thus strengthening their friendship.

He was joined by Van Rysselberghe in Bruges a few days later, as Pissarro will testify in a letter to his wife on July 6th. Pissarro mentions Félix, his third son, a painter like him, who regularly accompanied him to his workplaces. He died prematurely in London, three years later, at the age of 23.
Camille Pissarro / Signed Autograph Letter / Belgium / Bruges / Painting   Camille Pissarro / Signed Autograph Letter / Belgium / Bruges / Painting