Bourbon (Louis Joseph de, Duke of Vendôme) Autographed letter signed 1704
Bourbon (Louis Joseph de, Duke of Vendôme). On chiffon paper (25.5 X 20.5 cm) with a printed heading of Louis Duke of Vendôme, of Mercoeur and of Estampes, Prince of Anet & of Martigues, peer & general of the galleys of France, Lieutenant General of the Levant Seas, commander of the three orders of the King, governor for His Majesty in Provence, formerly Viceroy, & Captain General in Catalonia, General of His Majesty's armies in Italy, etc. Written by his hand: Let the named Eloy, Grenadier of the third battalion of the Piedmont Regiment, who is unable to serve due to his wounds and is going to the Invalides, pass safely and freely. Given at the camp under the collection on the 9th of August 1704.
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