The White Terror will be exercised against the Bonapartists, especially in the south of France. It is in this context that Louis XVIII commissions Marshal Duke of Bellune, in April 1821, for an inspection mission in the most restless departments of France since 1816: Saône-et-Loire, Ain, Rhône, and Isère.
The marshal has the full confidence of King Louis XVIII, who entrusts him with this mission, knowing his dedication to the royal government. This letter reflects confidence in the personality of the Duke of Bellune in carrying out his mission for the triumph of royal power against the Bonapartists. "I truly regret, my dear Mal, not being able to see you before your departure; but I thank you with all my heart for not risking your health. We all need to follow and keep for a long time men as partial as you, for us and for France. I absolutely adopt all the opinions you indicate in your letter, and I hope that your firmness during your travels and your just actions upon your return will be of great use in ensuring the triumph of the principles you profess. Have a good journey and a swift return, my dear Mal.